Happy New Year Detox Plan
The start of the new year brings with it things such as Resolutions, Goals and Intentions; all ways we intend to do and be "better."
Chances are, you've already quit on most of these by now.
I'm a big fan of "Habit Stacking" and in this video, I'm offering 5 simple "detox" areas that are not what you typically might expect.
I'm not suggesting you:
Hit the gym 5 times a week (unless you want to!)
Go on a No sugar stint (unless you want to!)
Just say "no" to carbs (unless you want to!)
Start a Keto; paleo; carnivore diet (unless you want to!)
Cut out Alcohol - (unless you want to!)
Here’s the good news - I’m giving you some gentle steps to make small meaningful changes and create immediate success. No to VERY low cost.
1 Diet and Nutrition - Reduce Portion Size - just start there, not going to restrict your sugar, alcohol, carbs and pizza just yet. Slow and easy creates new habits, leading to habit stacking and success.
2 Movement and Exercise - 5 for 5, for 5 - 5 moves, 5 minutes (1 minute each) and ideally 5 times in a day - that is 25 minutes each day and you will love the changes to your body at the end of 30 days. Gotta be disciplined - set your phone reminder for 5 times throughout the day.
Sitting is the new smoking - every hour for 5 hours or every other.
5 moves (As I show in the video) - squats, planks, circle overhead with ball, weight, water bottle, bridge move, dance = yes dance!
3 Kitchen Clean up - Glass storage over plastic - get store bought items out of plastic when you get home. Herbs, veggies out of plastic in crisper
Stainless steel for Starbucks - imagine what that might do for the environment if we stopped using so much disposable crap?
4 Personal care - sub out coconut oil. Watch my video - moisturizer, face cleanser, sun screen, hair mask, and more.
5 Relationships - forgive someone - call, have coffee, text, email or letter (less ideal) or even silently - Resentment is drinking poison waiting for the other person to die.
Bonus - Do Morning Pages or a Daily Thought Download. Write it out, Vent - 5 to 20 minutes, 3 pages, or even just 1 minute. Here is a video I did for the Pilot Wife Community and it's relevant for anyone!
What are your plans to "Detox" and live better?
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