Calorie Restricted Vs Specific Timed Eating For Weight Loss


Ditch the Diet Culture and Lies


We have been taken over by the diet culture. I know it and you do too. How many diets have you been on? How many would you say you “failed” at?


From my earliest memories of magazines on newsstands, there was always some new fad diet. Most women I talk to can remember their moms and her friends being on the diet treadmill.


And yet, at least half a century later, we are fatter, more obese, sicker, and taking more medications than ever. It’s been a consistent rise year after year.


We may be living longer, but are we living better? At what cost is theirs prolonged life? Is it filled with vitality, functionality, with a cognitive brain? Or do we end up barely on life support, numbed out and over medicated, perhaps no longer remembering our loved ones or a life well lived?


The diet culture has to go. It’s a massive failure. And a multi billion dollar business.


It’s what has misled us to believe that counting calories is what matters, and the ole - eat less, move more. But this is only a part of the story!


Are all calories equal?


It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that your body is NOT going to process 100 calories of almonds or broccoli in the same way it’s going to process 100 calories of sugary soda, or cookies, like those 100 calorie snack packs.


Interestingly you’ll find that even Weight Watchers and the American diabetic association are finally recognizing this reality, and they’re changing their points system and carb exchanges as a result.


If you eat the same amount of calories from broccoli rather than cookies, you will lose weight.


You will change your overall health. You will begin to affect your metabolic health, meaning that your body is then better able to respond to food in a beneficial way that reduces your risk of conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease


Food is information and it controls your body systems, reactions, hormones and metabolism.


The source of the calories, and the information carried along with the calories makes a big difference in how your genes, hormones, enzymes and metabolism respond.


If you eat food that spikes your insulin levels above what your body needs, your body will be more inclined to gain weight.


If you eat food that reduces your insulin level, your body will be more inclined to lose weight. This is true even if it contains the exact same number of calories or grams of protein, fat, carbohydrate and fiber.


One thing I teach in the IFMMM program is how to create meals that have a low glycemic load. The low glycemic load of a meal tells us how much of and how quickly a fixed quantity of a specific food will raise your blood sugar and insulin levels. The slower these levels rise, the better.


It doesn’t have to be complicated, either.


Here’s an example:  if you added 2 tablespoons of flaxseeds and 2 tablespoons of fish oil to your Coke, it would raise your blood sugar much more slowly than straight cola.


If you eliminated the coke, and added flaxseed and fish oil to a smoothie, that would make a huge difference.


Or you tried my Morning Manna seed “cereal” recipe!


Back to calories, though and how they’re not all created equal.


High Fructose Corn Syrup is an example of a dangerous food for your body. Hint - avoid ALL foods with HFCS.



Did you know A cup of Yoplait Original Blueberry yogurt has the exact same amount of sugar as a can of Coke.


and more sugar than 2 1/2 krispy Kreme donuts.


I’ll share a link below that has 10 foods that might surprise you in terms of their “healthy status” and high sugar reality.


8 oz Orange Juice is  = to a Can of coke in terms of sugar. 


A serving, typically 1/4-1/2 cup (not a jar) of Prego tomato sauce has as much sugar as 2 oreos cookies.


So when you ditch the calorie counting and focus on eating a diet of well balanced meals, ideally, within a time specific window - 6-12 hours for the day, so 2-3 meals a day and avoid snacking, you will see dramatic changes in all areas of your health and and the physical look of your body.


It’s been proven that there is no benefit for weight loss in splitting daily caloric intake between 6 meals vs 3. It does not stimulate fat loss or calorie burning.


I coach my clients to Run things by my 3 questions:


Do I understand this and what I am supposed to do?

Does it make sense, or seem logical?

Do I feel that I can and WILL commit and follow through without too much of a radical shift?


If you are in doubt, ask some questions, do some research and use your own body as your guide. IF you pause and listen your body has the answers.



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