How Detox Your Personal Care Products

lower toxic living

What Toxic Chemicals Are In Your Shower and Bathroom Products


168 chemicals - this is what the average American applies on and into their body in personal care products Each day! 


Step inside your own home space and let’s assess your bathroom and shower:

Toothpaste, Mouthwash

Shampoo, Conditioner, Dry Shampoo, Hair Spray, Detangler

Face wash, toner, serums, moisturizers, alpha hydroxy and anti aging products.

Body Scrubs and Creams


Shaving products

Antibacterial gel


Not to mention the plastics that leech more chemicals

It's been said that we ingest roughly a credit card size amount each week of these microplastics.

I'm not a scientist or doctor but I am a researcher and you can find the data here:


Again, as I have mentioned, let’s shoot for an 80/20 principle in our lives with all of the food, chemicals and cleaning products that surround us.

I’m not perfect, not a complete purist but I am AWARE and intentional.


A confused mind says no so let’s start slow and habit hack!

Coconut Oil replaces makeup remover, face moisturizer, hair oil/mask, body lotion, toothpaste


My guide at shares some details on coconut oil and its many uses and product replacements.


Toothpaste - coconut oil and activated charcoal - whitener I’m not a dentist and this is not dental advice - try it and see


Body Scrubs - Sea Salt, Almond Oil, Essential oils


Deodorant - Lume  -


Fragrance - harsh reality - FILLED with chemicals with no requirement to disclose - Essential oils!



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