Staying Healthy and Avoiding Viruses While Out and About
Are germs everywhere, as we shop and go about day to day life?
Is airplane air safe? This is part pf My Travel Life By a Pilot Wife YouTube Series!
What is the best way to safely disinfect the tray tables, armrests, seats and areas around you on a flight?
And what about avoiding as many germs as possible?
Here are my DIY recipes and protocols to avoid bacteria and stay sanitized, while not drying out and robbing your skin of oils and softeners.
Simple medicine cabinet items such as Isopropyl Alcohol, Tea Tree Oil and other essential oils, Almond or Vitamin E oil and other ingredients help you stay safe, sanitized and healthy as you travel on airplane flights and in other cities and countries.
Hand sanitizer, seat and tray spray and my Iodine Nasal Cleaner are included.
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Want a coach and some accountability? Join me in Intermittent Fasting - the Myths, the Magic and the METHODS
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