FatBlaster Brain Booster Bullet Proof Coffee

nutrition recipes

BulletProof Coffee Reengineered


To be honest, I am not a coffee drinker in general. And, it's funny what can show up when you just open up to possibility...

I love this beverage/meal replacement to break my intermittent fasting, and also just as a feel good boost to my brain.

Some of the powers of Bullet Proof coffee, which was originated by Dave Asprey, are:

Keeping your brain sharp and alert

Satiate and Assist with Weight Loss


As I mentioned, I was introduced to a concept called “Bulletproof Coffee” by Dave Asprey, and I disregarded it for a long time. He kept showing up on podcast interviews, but I've never been a coffee drinker so I just disregarded it.

One day, on a long, crowded drive on the 101 freeway in So Cal and listening to a podcast, he was one of a grouped of speakers being interviewed.

 I liked him.

 I liked what he had to share.

 and so I listened for the first time about Bulletproof Coffee, and it sounded very intriguing.

 But I thought the same thing, I don't drink coffee so I can't imagine myself doing this.

 Long story short, I relocated back to Scottsdale, started going to Cryotherapy and ended up with the Bulletproof Coffee Diet Book in the waiting room at the clinic. 

Why not try it?

 If I don’t like it, I’ll throw it out, right?

 I doctored it up a little, fell in love with it, and that was a few years ago.


First, I was drinking it about 3 times a week and I really started seeing some improvement.


I quit wanting to take my power nap from 1:30 to 2 every afternoon.


Drinking it squelched my hunger, and puts me into a zen type state of mind.


And, my focus and Peak Performance activity is off the chart.


I am getting SO much more done, and feeling great!


Finally, I lost 16 pounds!!!! YES, 16 pounds that I had no idea was "hanging on!"


And, weight loss was not my goal.


(Ok, that extra 5 pounds of muffin top around the middle? Yeah, I was looking for that to go…)


Here is my revised recipe for what I call -


FatBlaster Brain Booster Coffee



16 oz organic, mold free coffee,

1/4 c organic coconut cream

1/2 c organic coconut water

1 Tsp MCT Or Coconut oil , 

1 TB grass fed butter 

1/2 tsp cinnamon

Sprinkle nutmeg

2 TBs cacao powder

2 Scoops Collagen Powder

1/2 tsp Matcha powder

1/2 tsp Maca Powder

 Blend together with immersion blender, bullet, or blender. I drink it over ice.


Adapt as desired!  Use what works for you, and add whatever else. The only "true" things for Bulletproof coffee are coffee, MCT and/or grass fed butter!

Don't like coffee? Try Chai tea!

I would love to hear your thoughts and results.


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