Living a Lower Toxic Life

lower toxic living

Are You Living in a Toxic Soup?

You know how every where you look today, someone is talking about the # of toxins that surround us. The food we eat, the products we put on our skin, the chemicals we use to clean our homes.


On todays video, you’ll learn how to assess your environment and I’ll give you 3 simple hacks you can do right away to reduce the toxic load in your life.


Look around at your environment: what food is in your kitchen? Do the ingredients nourish your body or create internal inflammation and disease, while tasing oh so good?


What products are you using on your face, hair and body? Do you know anything about the toxicity levels of the ingredients? How many are truly from nature and how many are chemicals products in a lab?


How about the cleaning products you use?


Plastics, receipts, medications and more!


Even our work environment, relationships, and our thoughts can be toxic.


As you’re listening, your eyes may be rolling backwards as you wonder, where to begin? What’s the most important step you can take?


Great questions. And, I intend to answer it and many more on the lower toxic life channel.


Be sure to download my guide at so you can begin taking small, meaningful steps without getting into overwhelm.


Tip 1 - let’s talk about diet, nutrition and the toxins in our food. Food toxins create a mess of troubles internally, even when we can’t see them. Yes, weight gain and resistant weight can be obvious, but what about inflammation that can be raging in your body while you are completely unaware?


The 3 bad boys to be aware of are sugar; ultra processed foods; artificial sweeteners. Oh, there are potentially more including gluten, dairy, seed oils, high fructose corn syrup. I’ll cover more on these later. For now, pick one and begin to create awareness around it in your kitchen, your meals and food plan, when you eat out, and as you shop. Then, cut back as much as possible.


My guide at gives you some simple swaps for sugar, sweeteners and processed foods.


Tip 2 - Your personal care products. Go into your shower and bathroom and count how many products you use daily. Hair care, face, makeup, lotions, perfumes and deodorant. Mouthwash, sunscreens and more.


Your skin is the largest organ in your body and is sabotaged daily.


One simple swap I started with was coconut oil. I began to use this for makeup remover, moisturizer, and body moisturizer on a regular basis, getting rid of several toxic products.


My guide at shares some details on coconut oil and its many uses and product replacements.


Tip 3 - Cleaning Products in your home. This is where we really simmer in a toxic soup. Ever wonder why your nose responds so dramatically when you smell the acid and chemicals of most cleaning products? That’s your body actually signaling DANGER to you. Are you listening.

Round up everything that you are cleaning your home with - and replace most with a few simple items:



Baking Soda

Alcohol and Water

Dr Bronners


My guide at shares a few cleaning product substitutes and how to make simple DIY from these 5 items.


Start today with these 3 simple tips. A confused mind says no, which is why most people never create the change they want.


On future videos, I’ll go more in depth in each area and others to help you enjoy a Lower Toxic Life - including health, vitality, functionality and longevity.


Be sure to grab the simple guide to these 3 tips and more at


Subscribe, leave your best tip in the comments  and watch the next video for more.


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