What We Want More Than a Thin Body After 50

habits lower toxic living

Weight Struggles Over 50 - How it Feels

Has weight been a life long struggle for you, or only once you hit mid life? Today, let’s discuss: What it is we really want more than a thin body and how to maintain, or regain our health and well being.


This is part 2 ,in my series on curating a joyful life after 50, when loads of questions and self doubt can kick in.

Part 1 is here - Staying and Feeling Relevant

We cover health, diet, weight and functional longevity and fitness  Make sure you watch part 1, feeling relevant after this. Let’s make the most of this season of life.


Here are snippets from the video:

My realizations upon turning 50: acknowledging some chronic pain. Walking in Ventura. Hips, joints, feeling inflammation.

 My moms diabetes diagnosis, my research, going grain free, body hacking.

Aches and pains, tennis elbow, physical therapist and body competitor


Focus on healthy eating

Focus on functional movement

Focus on lowering the chemical toxins in my environment


Today, I am 61, and it has taken me time to fully adjust and I am still a work in progress.  Small habits, habit stacking


We don’t get our goals. We get our habits.


My 10k step story, water, food, stretching, muscle toning, being nicer to myself and being nicer to my husband - sounds silly, but small habit shifts stretch your mind.


Society tells us that “thin is in” and the norm we should strive for. Yet, more than the number on scale or thin body, we want to feel good.


Focus on that for a moment - FEEL good. We want the feelings that we believe come with a thin body. We will feel good WHEN we get that thin body.


As we age, acceptance, acknowledgement, and accountability.


Health and functional longevity my # 1 goals. By focusing here, believe it or not, weight and the scale take care of themselves


In an upcoming video, I’ll talk about discipline and how that word can serve us vs derail us.


To age well and maintain health, I focus on diet and nutrition and the 08/20 rule. More 90/10. What does that mean?


“Budget and plan” - FREEDOM. Day to day and special events.


Functional longevity and fitness - daily movement - walking in desert, rebounder, waver, weights, bands, core.


I want to feel good, I want to look good. I want to age well. Even my daughter gets this


Life tosses us a series of things daily. These are situations. We get to choose to react, or act mindfully, intentionally.


STEBAR - thoughts become things


Situations - thoughts - emotions - beliefs - actions - results


Health situations would be:

Situation - party or event

Thought - to drink or not, to choose healthy foods. It won’t be fun unless I eat/drink this.

 Or, I am fun regardless and I will love myself more by sticking by my decision.

 Emotions around all of that - food choices, happy hour with friends. I use my brain and logical thinking. I have a plan and I commit and stick. I make a decision. 

I made a decision and never thought about it again. Michael Jordan

 Beliefs - what are your beliefs around food, alcohol, your body and your own abilities and capacities? Are these beliefs serving you? Are you open to shifting them?

 Actions - have consequences - I ask myself what I want more. The moment or the after?


I encourage you to write this down - STEBAR and ask yourself - what is the S or situation? What are my thoughts? What emotions? Beliefs? What action will I take and what result will I get - may not show up immediately but it will.


We are always looking for the FEELING - dopamine of food/alcohol? Fades quickly, often within 30 minutes. OR feeling of accomplishment - discipline, step toward goals and future self?


We get our habits, not our goals.


What would my future self do?


Next up in this series on curating a life you love, in relationships, career and purpose, health and more.


Discipline & Productivity and Routines


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