Thanksgiving Holiday Appetizers and Crowd Pleasers

holidays nutrition recipes

Appetizers That Slay For Thanksgiving

Bold, tasty and yet not overwhelming for your guests. Meaning they don't overindulge and then eat less of your fantastic Thanksgiving Holiday Feast Main Extravaganza!

My menu: Goat Cheese Stuffed, Bacon WRapped Dates, My Homemade version of Trader Joe's Mediterranean Hummus (without the evil Canola Seed Oil), Veggies, my Rosemary Almond Flour Flaxseed Crackers, Nuts and Olives!

And the Recipes: Bacon Wrapped Dates:

Trader Joe's Mediterranean Hummus:


Rosemary Crackers:

 Layout a beautiful; spread that's simple, satisfying and not too much work for you:

Olives and Nuts:

And, the table:

Happy Thanksgiving!

See all of my Thanksgiving Holiday Feast Ideas Here

I have an entire Thanksgiving Holiday Recipe playlist on YouTube, and you’ll find the recipes, cooking videos and more, here, as well!

My Thanksgiving Holiday Menu and One Month Out Prep Plan

My Thanksgiving Turkey - cooked two days ahead 

Thanksgiving Curry Pumpkin Soup

Thanksgiving Appetizers for 8

Thanksgiving Recipe Healthy Hacks and Swaps

My Thanksgiving TableScapes and Holiday Decor



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