Thanksgiving Menu Prep and Planning 2024

holidays lower toxic living nutrition recipes

Create a Fabulous, Stress Free Thanksgiving

Stressed over Thanksgiving Planning, Prep, Shopping? And pulling it off while still enjoying the festivities?

Here is my menu, and prep plan starting one month prior, so you can relax, stress less and enjoy the holidays! I share the tips I learned from my mom, as well as world class restaurants and resorts, who serve hundreds and even thousands for a sit down Thanksgiving Dinner!

Make sure you are subscribed for all of my actual food prep and cooking videos, as well as my healthy hacks to swap out white sugar, enriched, gluten flours, dairy and some other ideas to make sure your waistline and metabolic health survives and thrives. And, of course, access to the recipes!

My YouTube Playlist for the Thanksgiving Holidays, including my "Toxic Politics, Holidays, Conversations and Family Drama" episode!

My Menu:






One Month Ahead:


Two Weeks Ahead:


One Week Ahead:










Thanksgiving Day:


My Thanksgiving turkey cooking tips:

Hotels, Restaurants and Big resorts plan and cook ahead of time for success.

When I was a kid, my mom would start the turkey at 2am, on 250 degrees on Thanksgiving morning.Check the turkey upon waking, flip breast side up around 10am , foil off, watch so breast doesn’t dry.

This all but insures a juicy, non dried out turkey if you will monitor and baste it. Slow cooking equals amazing taste, texture and juiciness.

Turn off 2 hours before dinner, allow to sit for an hour, slice and place on serving platters, back in warm oven til ready to serve.

Feeling Really bold? Cook the turkey Wednesday all day on low, cool, carve, fridge, process drippings and leftover, carcass for soup. Much easier to work with!

Watch my Thanksgiving Table Decor and Settings Video Here:


See all of my Thanksgiving Holiday Feast Ideas Here

I have an entire Thanksgiving Holiday Recipe playlist on YouTube, and you’ll find the recipes, cooking videos and more, here, as well!

My Thanksgiving Turkey - cooked two days ahead 

Thanksgiving Curry Pumpkin Soup

Thanksgiving Appetizers for 8

Thanksgiving Recipe Healthy Hacks and Swaps

My Thanksgiving TableScapes and Holiday Decor

 My Final Thanksgiving Costco Holiday Shopping Haul 2024

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Want a coach and some accountability? Join me in Intermittent Fasting - the Myths, the Magic and the METHODS 

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